Nfluence Church Podcasts
Nfluence Church has one mission - Bring the gospel of grace to the world. We want you to know the good news of Jesus in all its truth. Nfluence is led by Pastors Lucas & Krissy Miles; Lucas is the author of "Good God - The One We Want to Believe in But Are Afraid to Embrace," and "The Christian Left - How Liberal Thought Has Hijacked the Church," both available at https://nfluencechurch.org/store/.
Podcasting since 2016 • 274 episodes
Nfluence Church Podcasts
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Acts of The Apostles- The Ministry of Peter
He preached on the Day of Pentecost and 3000 people were added to the church. Peter goes further in this chapter of Acts by declaring his ministry to the gentiles as he affirm the message of Paul and Barnabas.

Acts of The Apostles- Saul's Conversion
Saul's moment of grace happened on the road to Demascus. His devotion had made him one of the most feared men among Christians because of his persecution of the church. Pastor Lucas even addresses the supposed name change of Saul to Paul. ...

Acts of The Apostles- Persecution Starts
In today's podcast we are asked to answer the question, "Are we all in?" Acts is a book that was written to inspire us to share Jesus even in the face of persecution.

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